Our Family

Our Family
Our Boy's

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Circuit Assembly Cleanup

The boys enjoyed helping vacuum after the circuit assembly last weekend.


This was taken just days before Laela started Kindergarten.  We were joking that she will be that stinky girl in the back of the class, because we will never get all that dirt off her!

Monday, September 13, 2010

I guess I need to clean my garbage can...

So, the other day, the boys were making a big mess in the living room.  I told them that they needed to clean up.  So, using a container that resembled a small garbage can, Grant started putting the mess inside of it.  He then asked me if I had any "spray that smells like yucky" to spray in the container that he was using.  I asked him why he would need that.  Pointing to the kitchen garbage can he said, "So that it smells like that".  I guess I need to deoderize our kitchen garbage can sooner rather than later.

Friday, September 10, 2010

"No, it is not a popcicle"

So, I guess I never really thought about the fact that my boys don't really get a well rounded education in girl stuff.  After all, I am not that "girly" myself.  For example, they think it is the strangest thing when a woman wears pantyhose.  It was actually embarassing for a while because they would squat down at her feet and rub their little hands up and down her legs... then they would kinda pinch the pantyhose and pull them away from the skin.  "What are these amazing things?!" you could almost hear their little brains saying.  So, when Jack came across one of my tampons the other day, it was no surprise when he asked me, "Is this a popcicle?"