Our Family

Our Family
Our Boy's

Monday, July 9, 2012

Our Family Camping Trip

The Floyd boys had one mission...."Fishin!"

Jesse loved the boat!  He just rode around and watched the boys and daddy fish...perfectly content for hours!
Jack's determination and dedication payed off...he caught the first two fish.  But, this is all we have to show for it.  When he pulled the 2nd fish into the boat, Matt turned around to open the container to put it in.  When he turned back around, the fish was gone!  He asked Jack where it had gone and Jack said he had let it go because it couldn't breathe!  Kinda funny...good to see a little compassion in Jack.

Grant loved driving the boat!


  1. MY GOODNESS!!! You got some great pictures, definitely frame some of those! Looks like the trip was a blast :)

    Glad you got to go and have a very special and memorable camping trip with the boys!!
    Thanks for all the photos, and personality pictures of them all, they really ARE growing up fast!!!
    Thanks for the memories.....
    Love, Mom and Dad
